Friday, February 1, 2013

The 2 Things That Instantly Happen To You When You Start CrossFit

What's Good Folks? Let's get right into it!
Here it is: The 2 Things That Instantly Happen To You (and has happened to me) When Beginning CrossFit

1. You will realize how weak you are.
  Once you're looking at the prescribed WOD written on the board or posted on the website, you immediately start hearing the little "devil" who's sitting on your shoulder and talks to you, makes up excuses and way around the hard path, you immediately know how much of a butch you are. With time you realize that the only person you need to beat in a workout is that inner voice that's talking all the shit, that if you believe, you quit. And it's hard. That inner "devil" shouts so hard at the bottom of each thuster that you must be a BADASS each and every time to defeat it. The only way to beat it is to stay present, ENJOY(!) the moment, and visualize NOT dropping the bar and just keep it going. As soon as in you're head you've quit it's over.

2. You will realize how strong you are.  You will find that you barely knew yourself at all before. That you didn't have a clue about what really made you tick, your own elemental motivations and desires. In the heat of battle, , you will reach inside of yourself and go to that next level. When you realize that you are 80% of the way through a particularly punishing workout, you will dig deep and find what you need to get through to the other side and beat your own little "devil". It's there, and maybe you haven't had to access it in years or even decades, but when you finally do... from then on you are a BEAST.  There is an apotheosis underway. And on the other side of an experience like that (or a series of them), you are a lot LESS HESITANT to step into the breach. You have gained a knowledge or in some cases, a remembrance of yourself and what you're capable of. I pity the person, in life or in business or whatever, who dares to face off against you once this has taken place. The inner "devil" you've gotta beat is the same in every situations, but now you can fight it and defeat it.

Thanks for reading Folks! Please Share and feel free to Comment and Ask questions in the comment section below!
follow me on Twitter @theRobKiss
Have a nice day! Peace Out!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

"If You Have A Problem..." Comprehensive Fixes

What's good Folks? Most of our problems can be originated from the lack of basic necessities in our lives not from some external factor. This is due to the unnatural lifestyle promoted by our cultures.
These deficits affect every aspect of our lives one way or another. We need to understand that our bodies work as a unit so if you have some malfunction in one area it affects areas that seem like has nothing to with the part that does not function well.
Here I've gathered some of these common deficiencies, that can cause some major problems in any fields of your lives.
If you have any problem, and you find that you miss one of the points here, there's a great chance if you fix 'em you gonna see even more benefits then just seeing one of your problems disappear.

If you have a problem, and you're not drinking enough water, you don't have a problem!
  This is a major problem that I think almost every people have. For quick tips    on drinking water check out my article on nutrition basics.
If you have a problem, and you don't sleep enough, you don't have a problem!
  The lack of sleeping effects all aspects of our lives. It dameages the central nervous system, harms our sports performance, our digestion, and even the proper functioning of the brain.
Here are my articles on the effects of Overtraining and CNS Fatigue in sports.

If you have a problem, and you don't move enough, you don't have a problem!
  If you're sitting at a desk or in a couch all day, for beginning, any activity is benefiical that does not involve sitting or standing still. The easiest option is multiple occasions of 30minuties walking or running(depending on your level of fitness) EVERY DAY, but if you'd like to take it to the next level, I highly recommend you doing CrossFit. Here are the ways you can start CrossFit.

If you have a problem, and you don't know your core motivation, you don't have a problem!
  Motivation is everything. You've gotta know where you're coming from in order to really achieve anything in life. Ask yourself the question "Why am I doing this?". Than if you've given yourself the answer, ask it again, "why is that my answer?". Go as deep as you can go and you gonna find out what makes you move from the very inside.

If you've got a problem, and you don't know your exact goals, you don't have a problem!
  You've gotta set goals. If you don't know where you're going, you might be just walking around and getting nowhere. You've gotta see the big picture and set long-term goals, and in order to get there you've gotta know your steps and set short-term goals along the way. Also know your time limit within you wanna reach your goals! Without the time component you might be just postponing with bullshit excuses.

If you have a problem, and you don't share love, you don't have a problem!
  Love is the very basic human "state".
“People were created to be loved, things were created to be used; the reason why the world is in chaos right now is because things are being loved, and people are being used.”
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite." Nelson Mandela 

If you have a problem, and you don't eat 3 handful of fresh vegetables a day, you don't have a problem!
  Vegetables are nutrition powerhouses. To read more check out my article on nutrition basics.

If you have a problem, and you're not eating enough fat, you don't have a problem!
  Fat is an absolutely essential part of a healthy diet and I think it's very important for people to understand. To read more about this topic check out my article on nutrition basics.

If you have a problem, and you're not having quality time for yourself, you don't have a problem!
  Working out is very important, but it's not more important than Working In. This is a term to describe basically activities that "switches your brain out" for a moment and allow your body and mind to be a whole and relax. These are activities such as different forms of Meditation, Yoga etc...  Today, in our life that is full of stress factors and most of us are dealing with adrenal fatigue, it's a huge thing to just shut you screaming brain off from time to time.
Here are my articles on the effects of Overtraining and CNS Fatigue in sports.

Thanks for reading Folks! Please Share and feel free to Comment and Ask questions in the comment section below!
follow me on Twitter @theRobKiss
Have a nice day! Peace Out 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

It's All About...

What's good Folks? Yesterday one of my friend asked me
"what is that blog really about?".
As I'm writing about CrossFit, strength and conditioning, sports and nutrition, I also mention ideas, experiences and opinions of my own about various topics.
So as I was thinking of an answer to define my blog, a speech of Will Smith came into my mind that Zach Even-Esh, a strength and conditioning coach who I really look up to posted on his Facebook fanpage.
Those couple of sentences can really give you the key to life and they give you a good idea about what my Blog is really about!
Check the speech in my video!

Despite I prefer swimming and audiobooks I really love that speech!
Thanks for reading Folks!Please Share and feel free to Comment and Ask questions in the comment section below!
follow me on Twitter @theRobKiss
Have a nice day! Peace Out

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How To Master New Languages

  What's good Folks?
One language sets you in a corridor for life. Every new language you learn opens a door along the way.
  I wanna share with you my method of learning languages on my very own without any language school, teacher or book. This method is called the Pimsleur method.
   As you may or may not know other than Hungarian and English I also speak Italian. I've pick up the Italian in the summer of 2011, so not that long ago. I've started to learn it with the help of and Italian teacher in order to catch up and be able to attend an Italian class in high school. Although I've had help, I wanted to have some boost so I started to look for some additional ways I can improve my Italian skills. That's how I came across the Pimsleur method.
  I've always had problems with sitting still for an hour or so and just running through lists of words again and again and expecting to not lose the motivation and just say fuck it. From the very early ages when I started to learn English at elementary school I knew that was not the way to learn to communicate with people in another language so I skipped the lessons and there wasn't one occasion when I did my homework of listing heaps of words out from a dictionary. But when it was the time for the tests I always got the best marks so the teachers had no choice but to bring me to these elementary school English competitions where we had to just talks and use the language as it meant to be, and I even placed 1st occasionally although the others were studying hard and whatever meanwhile I didn't give a single fuck. At that time I did not know anything about Pimsleur. I did three things that unintentionally led me to speak English better then my classmates: 
  • I was listening to Eminem all day, every day and after I came across the translation of one of his songs, I wanted to fully understand all of em. So I started to focus more to try hearing out more expressions and sentences I could understand and eventually I started to google the stuff I could not figure out.
  • The second thing was that I loved basketball. At that time we had only 1 tv in the family and there was always someone watching it. Because of that if I had to watch my NBA games online where they don't have commentary in my language.
  • The third and probably most important thing is that whenever I came across english-speaking foreigners, no matter how badly I was speaking I was not shy about it and with all my effort I was about to make myself understood and just communicate.
I honestly think this is the only way you can master a language. By using it. Not by filling out exercise books. 

How to start learn a lenguage from ZERO?With the Pimsleur method!

With the Pimsleur method you gonna listen to audio tapes that introduces you to the basics of your chosen language. It mimics the natural learning process of the human beings.
Here is the methodology:
  1. Anticipation
    Language courses commonly require a student to repeat after an instructor, which Pimsleur argued was a passive way of learning. Pimsleur developed a "challenge and response" technique, where a student was prompted to translate a phrase into the target language. This technique is intended to be a more active way of learning, requiring the student to think before responding. Pimsleur held that the principle of anticipation reflected real-life conversations in which a speaker must recall a phrase quickly.
  2. Graduated-interval recall
    Graduated interval recall is a method of reviewing learned vocabulary at increasingly longer intervals. It is a version of retention through spaced repetition. For example, if a student is introduced to the word deux (French for two), then deux is tested every few seconds, then every few minutes, then every few hours, and then every few days. The goal of this spaced recall is to help the student move vocabulary into long-term memory.
    Pimsleur's 1967 memory schedule was as follows: 5 seconds, 25 seconds, 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 1 hour, 5 hours, 1 day, 5 days, 25 days, 4 months, 2 years.
  3. Core vocabulary
    The Pimsleur method focuses on teaching commonly-used words in order to build up a "core vocabulary". Word-frequency text analyses indicate that a relatively small core vocabulary accounts for the majority of words spoken in a particular language. For example, in English, a specific set of 2000 words composes about 80% of the total printed words. Pimsleur courses average 500 words per level (30-lessons). Some languages have up to 4 levels, while some lesser developed languages only have one level.
    The Pimsleur method never teaches grammar explicitly. Instead, grammar is presented as common patterns and phrases that are repeated at intervals throughout the course. Pimsleur claimed this is how native speakers learn grammar as children.
  4. Organic learning
    The program is strictly auditory. Pimsleur suggested auditory skill, learned through hearing and speech, is different than reading and writing skill. He referred to his auditory system as "organic learning," which entails studying grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation simultaneously. Pimsleur asserted that learning by listening also enjoins the proper accent.
 As I'm not using Pimsleur for Italian anymore, a couple moths ago I've started to learn Dutch following the Pimsleur method. Of course I just got started and I'm at the very beginning but It goes really well. If anyone would have and intentions helping me with that language I would really appreciate it and please just contact me on Twitter or Facebook.

So with that said If you want to learn a new language I highly recommend you getting your hands on the Pimleur's language courses in one way or another. It is available in loads of languages not just the major ones. I feel like it really works for me so I think it can work for other people too.

Thanks for reading Folks! Hope that was useful! Learn languages!
Please Share and feel free to Comment and Ask questions in the comment section below!
follow me on Twitter @theRobKiss
Have a nice day! Peace Out

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Nutrition Rant #2 - Alcohol

Hi Folks!
In the fitness community there are tons of arguments about the effects of different drugs and how they influence sports performance of any kind.
In this article I wanna talk to you about my opinion and approach to alcohol consumption and it's relation to sports performance which as you might know in my case is mainly CrossFit, basketball and swimming.

Fuck studies. Just as I do, probably every single one of you have some sort of experience with alcohol either good or bad. Let's get started with this. You've probably predicted that the negative effects can't be derived from the chicks you get while partying neither the brawls you may get into. Ain't no problem with that.
Here's the deal. You know that when you get drunk you get thirsty. And it may sound surprising but it's the sign of dehydration. As you may or may not know
the human body is anywhere from 55% to 78% water depending on age, gender and amount of body fat, and water is essential to human life.

Water forms the basis for all fluids in the body, such as blood and digestive juices, and it's the catalyst in all metabolic functions throughout the body. Water removes toxins and waste products from the body, and it carries nutrients to the cells of the body.

Your body is dynamic and always changing, and this is especially true with regard to water in your body. You lose water routinely when your body performs normal functions such as breathing, sweating and eliminating waste. In a typical day, you need to consume a substantial amount of water to replace this routine loss. Dehydration occurs when the amount of water leaving your body is greater than the amount being taken in.

Severe dehydration can cause symptoms such as extreme thirst, lack of sweating, rapid heartbeat and delirium, and it can be life threatening. But most people who experience dehydration experience mild to moderate dehydration.

Here are the effects of dehydration at a mild to moderate level:
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle weakness
  • Poor concentration
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness or light headedness
  • Decreased metabolism
  • Decreased protein synthesis

Besides the tons of other effects of alcohol I think this is the one you can not argue with. With that kept in mind my advices would be:
  1. Do not drink more than once in 2 weeks!
  2. Chose one type of alcohol(eg.:Vodka) for one occasion and don't mix 'em!
  3. When it comes to the amount you can drink it's very different for every individual so my advice would be: Only drink until you start feeling thirsty!
  4. Consume lots of water during and after drinking alcohol! I really mean a lot like 2-3liters per occasion!
  5. Take multivitamins directly before or after you've been consuming alcohol! That helps reducing the losses in the vitamins and minerals in your body caused by alcohol consumption.

 I think everyone should have their very own thoughts and opinions about consuming these substances but there are some people who tend to go overly religious about it and they get to a point where they can not accept any other perspectives. Don't be that guy.
Thanks everyone for reading!!
I hope it was useful and gave you some perspective.
Feel free to ask and comment!!
follow me on Twitter @theRobKiss

Thursday, December 27, 2012