Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Rant About "Tribes"

Hi Folks!
Yesterday I was watching a very shocking documentary about people Living in the Sewers of Colombia. Then today I was watching Joe Rogan's rant about society with Joey Diaz. They were talking about how we are designed to live in tribes of like 50 or just a couple hundred people. He has had a great point with saying that we can only capable of taking care look after a certain amount of acquaintances. If hundreds of millions are involved in a community no one really cares and no one really counts.
Here comes the interesting part. While I was listening to Joe's podcast I can across this picture on my Facebook.

I was fascinated! I was fascinated by this quote that has subverted the whole concept about civilization we're living in, the conditioning we're receiving since the day we were born and our perspectives about our family, our closest friends and the thousands of people we are interacting with during our everyday lives.   

There was one single sentence that had made me think a lot.:
"When someone was so poor that he couldn't afford a horse, a tent, or a blanket, he would in that case, receive it all as a gift."
Now. The first thought that came into my mind after reading this was that nowadays most of the time our tribe (our friends and our family) is made out of people who has the same financial background as we have because mostly they are the people who we have daily contact with and with who's problems, goals, and dreams we can relate to. Essentially those are the factors that bring like-minded individuals together.

So how the fuck would somebody from the sewer of Columbia be able to give food and aid to his friend who recently has been shot by the dethsquad if his eyes are being chewed out by a dog-sized rat?!
How the fuck would a thousand-dollar suit CEO be able to support and help his manically depressed colleague with serious personal life issues, if he's so attached to his Ferrari and his new iPhone with diamond socket that he can not see the value of the things in life anymore only the price of them and he can't even take care of his newborn child because he's working all the time and he thinks with that he only serves his family's good.

Those are just some radical examples but the main point is that if everyone would have the chance to take care of his well chosen tribe of divers people and everyone would be doing it conscientiously it would be far more effective and expedient then expecting changes from occupying the Wall street and protesting like a retarded bitch who has too much free time and has nothing better to do other than marching and yelling some stupid slogan while the moron leaders of the countries are sending raw-raw "patriots" to a foreign country to kill children and the barefooted "enemies of the county" for some ideology that makes them fell like they're related to somewhere instead of just minding their own fucking business at home with their loving environment and having a purpose that serves not only their own well being but the tribe of his own people.
Thanks for reading Folks!  
follow me on Twitter @theRobKiss

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